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  • hhcreations2022

Web anxiety!

Being self employed isn't anything new, it's all the stuff that goes with it that can really make you go bonkers! I'm no stranger to technology but Web technology is beyond me...thankfully there's some "self help" out there! As you cruise the web page, please be gentle on what isn't pretty or professional, it's still being worked on.

Today was a day to remember why I'm thankful for what I have and whom I get to share it with. My Aunt (Laure Hall) got me into this craft 13 something years ago and I've been hooked on it since. Creating something from nothing or just drooling over the fabric like it was food has been a great stress reliever for me (not so much the wallet!). This week I got to work on two new Baby Quilts and while they aren't ready to sell I thought I could share. More to come, wrap up in something that gives you comfort.

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